The Numbers That Matter
Invocies Processed per Month
Hours Saved per Month
Line Items Processed per Month
FTE Saving
About Krishna
Krishna Automobiles is a large motor dealership group operating 24 outlets across Nothern India covering BMW, Jguar , Land rover ,JCB and Other brands. The group has history dating to the 1960s and has the annual turnover of c.US$150 million. Centelli approched Krishna aware that the automative sales sector has many manually intensive process. which could be efficiently and more accuretly under takes by Digital Workers.

We ran a workshop to understand the buyer journey when purchasing a car, and the various processes involved. This uncovered a key target for automation, as a lot of time was spent copying data from the Dealer Management System (DMS, which handles all service, repairs and customer invoicing) into the accounting system. As this was all manual it meant there were delays in data transfer; sometimes only being done at month-end, which meant the business never had an accurate financial position. At Centelli, we identified that we could automate reconciliations for the business. Click here to read what we did.

Reduced Costs From staff time duplicating data between two systems.
Increased Profitability Due to better understanding of day-to-day financial performance, which informs decision making.
Happier Staff No longer rushing to complete data transfer by each month-end.
Consistent Process Now done across all sites, for easier comparisons.