The Numbers That Matter
Potential Accountant Time Saved
Reconciliations per Night
Validation Criteria Checked Each Time
About Davidson
Davidson Hospitality Group operates over 200 hotels, resorts and restaurants across the USA, including under the Marriott, Hilton and Hyatt brands. Davidson is ranked #1 in Guest Satisfaction by JD Power and believe in creating value in everything they do - for the guests and the hotel owners who trust Davidson to manage their assets. Having already worked for a sister company, Centelli met Davidson and quite quickly identified that an improved and quicker reconciliation process could be done by a Digital Worker, adding significant value to the operations.
Hotel groups like Davidson must perform numerous data reconciliations, and yet often these are done manually by highly skilled and qualified individuals. Frequently, if other priorities take over then reconciliations are completed only at month end, which results in out-of-date business information. Davidson has a team of 10 accountants, who spent around 80-85% of their time doing reconciliations; a monotonous job that was repetitive and prevented them from adding value. At Centelli, we identified that we could automate reconciliations for the business.
Value Adding Team Their qualified accountants now working ‘on the business rather than in the business’.
Happier Staff Team no longer straining to input data as quickly as possible.
Trickle-Up Effect As team is free from reconciliation, they can support managers more, which in-turn frees up their time to add more business value.
Easily Scalable We started with 5 banks initially, before scaling up to 80 banks with minimal additional effort or Digital Worker training.
Customized Documents Plus, we trained the Digital Worker to create custom documents from different vendors and mail the relevant documents to individual customers.